Test Page for TKU LineBot for Admission Queries, V0.6
API for the LineBot
Test: curl https://lingpu.im.tku.edu.tw/seke_bot_ui/api/qa_v4 -X POST -i -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept:application/json" -d '{"question" : "資管系好讀嗎?"}'
Input: { 'question' : 'the user question to the bot'}
Output: {'question': 'the user question to the bot',
'answer': 'the answer to the user question from the bot',
'qid': 'the id of the builtin question that best matches the user question',
'department': ''the department of the builtin question that best matches the user question',
'similarity': 'the similarity of the highest matching builtin question',
'builtin_question': 'the builtin question that best matches the user question'}